Active member of HDO dr. sc. Marija Šiško Kuliš defended her second dissertation
Dear colleague Marija Šiško Kuliš, long-term member of HDO, editor-in-chief of the magazine Maintenance and Exploitation and member of the Organizing Committee of HDO’s annual conference Maintenance – MeditMaint, in mid-May at the Faculty of Economics, University of Rijeka successfully defended her dissertation in the electricity sector of the Republic of Croatia and obtained the title of Doctor of Economics.
It would be an extraordinary event in itself, if my colleague did not already have a doctorate in technical sciences, mechanical engineering, and thus became one of the few scientists in Croatia and Europe with two degrees of doctor of science.
Dr. sc. Marija Šiško Kuliš graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Split, holds a master’s degree and a doctorate in technical sciences (field of mechanical engineering) from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture in Zagreb. At the Faculty of Economics in Split, she obtained a master’s degree in social sciences, economics, management and administration. Since 1993, she has been employed by Hrvatska elektroprivreda in the preparation and management of investment projects in hydroelectric power plants. Since 1995, she has been a permanent external associate at several public and private faculties in Croatia, where he teaches several courses. She is a certified project manager and a certified court expert. In addition to her engagement with HDO magazine, she is a member of the editorial board of Energy magazine. She has published one university textbook and several scientific and professional papers in the field of economics. Congratulations, colleagues Šiško Kuliš!