1980 to present: President of Springfield Resources
Joel Levitt is Maintenance Management Consultant in a wide variety of industries including airports, food processing plants, hospitals, high tech manufacturing, railroads, utilities, primary metal, warehousing, mining, universities, school systems, military, government, etc.
Maintenance trainer for universities throughout the US and Canada. He has trained over 17,000 maintenance professionals in 26 countries in 600+ sessions. 98% of participants rated the training very good or excellent. Mr. Levitt has been a speaker at National meetings of AFE, IMC, Maximo World, NAWGA, and others. Projects include: Maintenance Audit, Maintenance Manager Certification, PM/PdM training, Planning and scheduling training and coaching, Shutdown Auditing, Upgrading maintenance supervisor skills, Helping choose CMMS, Cost reduction projects etc.
Mr. Levitt also served as Director for International Projects for Life Cycle Engineering from 2013-2016
He was also Director for Reliability projects for Reliabilityweb.
As President of Springfield Resources, Mr. Levitt served as a Senior consultant to Computer Cost Control Corp. Assisted the companies’ president design, market, install computerized maintenance management systems to major organizations including Town of Islip, Village of Babylon, Triangle Maintenance (JFK Airport), Fed Ex, BFI, etc.
Provided source inspection services for over $100 million worth of equipment Gelco Leasing, Zim Container Lines and Lykes Brothers Shipping. Designed, installed and provided 24 hr service coverage for BP 30,000 barrel/day oil terminal including complete automation with rack control, accounting, inventory control. Designed Railroad fuel security & accounting system for Conrail, design was adopted by the American RR Association as the recommended standard for the industry Marketed and installed 50 computerized refueling sites with technology licensed from the UK throughout Northeastern US for organizations such as Frito Lay, MacArthur Airport, Pepsi Co., Chester Water Co. etc.